Does this sound like you?

You suffer from digestive or other health challenges that leave you feeling heavy and frustrated.
You wish to feel lighter and more confident in your skin but feel unsure how to do this.

Your mental health could really use a boost.
Your confidence, energy, and motivation has been lacking.

You want to take a holistic approach with your health & body but don't know where to begin.
You’ve been through the fad diets and trends, but you realize it’s time to treat your body differently this time.

You desire to confidently take care of your body and spirit,
but feel overwhelmed with all of the (mis)information out there.

It sounds like you need a need a gut and spiritual health check.

There's a time and place for traditional medicine, but when it comes to feeling in tune with your body and releasing the blockages (body & soul), it doesn't quite hit the mark.

Unlike other health & wellness programs that simply address the physical body, Mind. Body. Gut. is geared to powerfully guide you through the process of expansion and healing the physical and energetic body.

In simpler terms, MBG takes your self-awareness and health to a new level of consciousness.

And I know you might be thinking, "I've done a handful of programs and protocols, how is this any different?"

Well, MBG isn’t another vanilla health coaching program that just scratches the surface. With an emphasis on your gut, you will be guided to the root of what's blocking you from feeling vibrant and confident.

Physically, your gut health is the hub of your body's intelligence and overall state of health. Energetically, your gut is a representation of your confidence, worthiness, and willpower.

I bet you're already noticing the physical and energetic overlap within yourself...

Wouldn't it be nice to have an expert guide along this journey?

Hi 👋  that's me! I'm Nia, a degreed Holistic Nutritionist and Spiritual Wellness Practitioner.

I know your struggles, frustration, and hopelessness...because I was you. I struggled with my weight and confidence, beginning in elementary school.

Because I lacked the education and accountability, I was in a war with my body for over a decade. *Spoiler Alert* no diet or “clean eating” lifestyle never satisfied what I really wanted, which was self-love and confidence.

What I wish I knew when I was in your shoes is that trauma destroys the gut - physically and spiritually. But also, our health habits must account for our energetic and physical bodies.

So now I help women (just like you) reclaim their power through elevating their physical and spiritual health.

On this journey, you will learn to:

✓ Nourish and heal your body from a holistic perspective through nutrition and metaphysical practices

✓ Properly restore and balance your gut to correct digestive, mindset, and energy challenges.

✓ Get to the root of non-serving cycles and self-sabotage by learning to reprogram your unconscious mind

✓ Become empowered on your health journey through mind-body practices that build your intuition & well-being

Module 1: Release + Detox

  • Understand Drainage + Proper Gut Detoxification
  • Gut Health + Trauma Connection
  • Foundations of Holistic Nutrition

Module 2: Reconnect + Energize

  • Incorporating Mindfulness and Spirituality into your Health
  • Understanding/Reprogramming your Subconscious Mind
  • Your Inner Child x Your Health TOday
Module 3: Reignite your Intuition

  • Energy Healing 101
  • Ayurvedic Wisdom + Your Dosha Type
  • Sustaining Your Power in All Areas of Life

In this 3-month experience, you will receive:

✓ (9) group calls (live & recorded)

✓ (2) 60-min private coaching calls w/ Nia

✓ Various video modules, guided audio healing practices, and PDF guides

✓ Personalized nutrition + wellness recommendations over the 12 weeks

Bio-resonance scan + a custom healing tincture for your body

Your Investment

This is a live group coaching program set to begin early November 2021. After checking out, you will be taken to a link to book your first call. The exact time and date of group calls will be chosen based off each group member's availability.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

Since there are limited spots available, all MBG purchases are final.

How do I schedule my sessions?

Upon purchasing MBG, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your first 1:1 appointment

What are the times/dates of the group calls?

Once all group members have enrolled, the time/date will be set based off of everyone's availability. All material will be recorded in the case that you cannot make all of the calls. There will also be a break to account for any holidays.